This Act amends Title 3 of the Virgin Islands Code, Sections 717 and 766 by requiring the GERS to issue personal loans to members in an amount not to exceed $10,000 and requiring that the personal loans issued not exceed the aggregate amount of $10,000,000 per annum, per district and by making a technical amendment.
Act No. 7880
Act No. 7802
Enacted on October 26, 2015
This Act amended Chapters 27 and 28A of Title 3 of the Virgin Islands Code by making amendments concerning eligibility for membership and receipt of service credit in the System.
Act No. 7802
Act 7802 (Retirement Reform 2016)
Act 7864 (Lonesome Dove)
Executive Orders
Executive Order NO. 502-2020- Advisory GERS Funding Task Force
Executive Order No. 458-2012 establishing the GERS’ Pension Reform Joint Task Force
GERS Revised Testimony on Bill Request 20-1212
GERS Testimony on Bill No 33-0446
GERS Revised Testimony on Bill Request No 20-1212
December 9, 2020
An act amending title 33 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 3, section 42 relating to excise taxes to require a portion of the taxes to be deposited into the Virgin Islands Government Employees’ Retirement System Stabilization Fund.
GERS Testimony on Bill No 33-00446
December 8, 2020
An Act repealing and replacing Act Nos. 8329 and 8330; amending title 29 Virgin Islands Code, by repealing chapter 24 in its entirety and replacing it with a new chapter 24; terminating the existence of the ” Matching Fund Securitization Corporation”.